Madam Curie

Madam Curie

 This book is about Madam Curie.
She is the only person that was awarded the Nobel prize twice in her life.
Her discovery of radium saved a lot of people, suffering from diseases.
She was born in Warsaw, Poland in 1867. She was, so to speak, a born genius.
She could read books fluently though her parents hadn't never taught how to read.
Parents were even worried about her extraordinary cleverness.
 In those days, it was not with ease that she could receive a higher education in physics at the Sorbonne in Paris. She worked hard and earned money to enter the college. 
Finally, she enter the Sorbonne and met her partner, Pierre Currie, there. 
The couple began to work together and were to succeed in separating pure radium from pitchblende in 1902. 
After that, many people sent letters to the Curries asking for information on how to produce radium.
 At first, Pierre expected to be able to earn a great deal of money if he take a patent.
But Currie answered

"It would be against the scientific spirit to earn money from our discovery. Scientists should only publish their studies to the public. Our discovery of radium has nothing to do with our becoming rich."

They had chosen to live in poverty.
I respect them who live for the happiness of others.

radium ラジウム(放射線の一種 がん治療などにに利用)
Pierre Madam Currieの夫
earn money  金儲けをする
was awarded  授与された
a born genius  生まれながらの天才
extraordinary   並外れた
the Sorbonne   ソルボンヌ大学
pitchblende   ウラン・ラジウムなどの原料




The Giving Tree

Tinkers farm